RIDENJOY WAKE PARK (Drop the system OY) visitor application

RIDENJOY WAKE PARK (Drop the system OY) visitor application

  1. Riding a cable line for water skiing and wakeboarding as well as skating in miniramp or jumping on a trampoline are an extreme sports and carry a risk of life and health, which I fully assume. Riding a cable line for water skiing or wakeboarding and using floating obstacles or doing other extreme sport activities is my own desire and on my responsibility.
  2. I agree that any injuries and any consequences of accidents that I receive while riding the cable track for water skiing and wakeboarding will be on my personal responsibility. Drop the system OY is not responsible for any damage to health, injuries or other damage I received during the ride. I disclaim all types of criminal or civil suits and claims to Drop the system OY in connection with any injuries and damage I suffered from while riding on the cable track or using other sport equipment.
  3. I undertake to follow the rules of behavior on the cable track for water skiing and wakeboarding, and the territory of RIDENJOY WAKE PARK:
    • to comply with the terms of the security document posted on the territory of RIDENJOY WAKE PARK and on the website www.ridenjoy.fi;
    • During riding on the cable track for water skiing or wakeboarding it is necessary:
      • to always follow the operator's instructions,
      • to wear a helmet and a life jacket,
      • to familiarize myself with the cable track and obstacles before using them,
      • to not attempt to perform tricks above the personal level of riding,
      • to perform tricks only in the areas assigned for them,
      • to hold only on the handle of the halyard and only with hands,
      • to not ride on floating obstacles with boards with fins(keels),
      • before arriving at an obstacle to make sure that the water area in the obstacle area is free,
      • to not wrap a halyard around myself or riding equipment,
      • to not disturb the operator when he / she controls the ride on a cable track.
    I confirm that I am familiar with these rules, they are clear and understandable to me.
  4. I confirm that I do not have any diseases that could prevent riding on the cable track for water skiing or wakeboarding.
  5. I understand that if I don’t follow the rules of behavior and safety, as well as when trying to ride on a cable track for water skiing or wakeboard under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will be denied the use of a cable track for water skiing or wakeboarding and access to the territory of RIDENJOY WAKE PARK.
  6. I understand that I am responsible for the harm I caused on the property of RIDENJOY WAKE PARK and towards other visitors.